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Do you have swimming pool solar heater system?
2020-12-02 21:55:58
Switch to Solar and Save
The main purpose of a solar pool heater is to effectively heat your swimming pool by gradually collecting the sun's FREE, non-polluting, natural solar heat on a daily basis and efficiently transfer the captured heat to your pools water thus maximize your swimming pleasure! 
A Solar Pool Heating System can extend your swimming season up to 12 months!
Solar pool heating is the most cost-effective and efficient way to heat your swimming pool. Heating your pool with solar energy will save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each year when compared to gas heaters, electric heaters and heat pumps.Enjoy the life, let the sun pays your swimming pool,
How It Works
With an automation package, our solar pool heating systems are completely autonomous. Once you set your desired temperature, sensors will monitor your pool’s water temperature and the amount of sun available to the solar panels. If the water needs to be heated, the solar valve opens and diverts the pool water up to the solar panels where the water is heated and sent back into the pool. This process is repeated until the pool reaches its desired temperature. 
Why Choose Solar Pool Heating?
Zero operating costs. Renewable energy from the sun heats your pool, so no additional energy is needed to power the system.
Ready when you are. Other heaters can take hours or days to heat the pool. Solar automatically operates whenever the sun is shining and your regular pool pump is running. Your pool stays warm throughout the season and is ready when you are.    
Quality equipment. riwatt solar panels produce more energy, last longer than any other solar pool product on the market.
Maintenance-free. Heliocol panels are built to last up to 20 years or more, are maintenance-free and are backed by a lifetime-limited warranty so that your investment is protected.
Clean power. Solar heating systems emit no air pollution whatsoever. Reduce your carbon footprint with solar pool heating.
$0 due upfront. Go solar now, with no money down. With our financing options, you won’t need to pay a single cent upfront to make the switch to solar energy.
How to DIY a cozy swimming pool at an affordable price in a durable way?

follow us, we will guide you step by step:


The solar collector required area will be : >50% of the pool calculating surface area.

1..When we know the L*W*H of the pool, we will know the VOLUME of the pool,
Basically, we take 1.2 meters to calculate the depth(height) of the pool, ( no matter what exact the pool height it is) 
the pool volume / 1.2 = the pool calculating surface area.

 2.Solar vacuum tubes, each tube's absorb area we take: 0.133M2,that means: 25 tube total absorb absorb area will be: 3.325 m2



 Let's make an example, if your pool is 40m3. 
thus, the calculating surface area will be :40/1.2 = 33.33 m2,   
50% of the pool calculating surface area will be: 16.65m2
25 tubes solar collector's absorb is: 3.325m2


that means, we will need at least : 16.65/3.325 = 5 sets solar collector of 25 tubes.
In that case, 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 pcs solar collector of 25 tubes are NO PROBLEM, while,if we inbuilt too much solar collectors,
will leads to over heating and increase the cost.


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for more details!

Thank you.




How does a solar pool heater work? 

A solar swimming pool heater uses your pool’s filter pump to make the water flow through the solar collectors, where it is heated, and then returned to your pool. When the water has reached your desired temperature, it bypasses the solar collectors and returns directly to the pool.


Why would I want to heat my pool?

Once you’ve invested in a pool, it only makes sense to get the most enjoyment you can from it. But if your pool is too cold to use for many months at a time, you are not realizing the full benefit of your investment. Heating your pool with a solar powered pool heater can double your swim season. Plus, having such a unique, eco-friendly feature can add greatly to the value of your home.


How does solar pool heating compare with heat pumps?

The initial cost of installing an in-ground or above ground solar pool heater is generally comparable to that of an electric heat pump. However, while the annual cost of electricity to run a heat pump may be only two thirds that of natural gas (and far less than propane), the sun's energy is FREE! And of course, solar pool heating is much more environmentally friendly.


How much will my solar pool heater cost to operate?

Since the sun's energy is free, there are NO operating costs!


How well does solar energy heat a pool?

A properly designed solar swimming pool heater will heat your pool just as effectively as one that uses fossil fuels. On days that are warm enough to comfortably relax poolside, but not warm enough to swim, solar energy will heat your pool to a perfect temperature for swimming, so you can dive right in.


What is the best type of collector to use for solar pool heating?

Many people make the mistake of spending money on expensive equipment that is not expressly designed for pool heating, such as glass-covered and insulated housings intended for household water heaters. In fact, lower-cost unglazed collectors can deliver heat to your pool more effectively.


Do the solar collectors have to face south?

Not necessarily. As long as the solar collector is installed where it will be exposed to sunlight for a good portion of the day, it will provide plenty of heat. Depending on the angle of the mounting surface, east- and west-facing collectors function just as well


