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High quality collectors using the latest technology
2015-07-03 04:11:53
How it works…
Water is circulated into the collectors, is heated and then stored until there is a demand for hot water. The water is hotter than traditional systems and can reach temperatures above 176º F (80º C) in less than 6 sunny hours. Once heated, the hot water is stored inside a thermal tank.
Our solar water heaters are compact and esthetic; they need little space on roofs or patios. They are also totally safe and require very lilttle maintanence. Their life time is longer than 15 years, and is guaranteed for 5 years, longer than what gas heaters provide.
Vacuum crystal tubes
Evacuated tube collectors are the most efficient collectors available using the latest technology. Each evacuated tube is similar to a thermos in principle. A glass or metal tube containing the water is surrounded by a larger glass tube. The space between them is a vacuum, so very little heat is lost. The round shape of the tube receptors permit total efficiency in collection of the sun's heat regardless of the angle of the sun, These collectors work well in overcast conditions and operate in temperatures as low as -40°F. Individual tubes are replaced as needed.
Use with conventional storage water heaters
Solar water heating systems in Mexico, because of the amount of sunny days, can easily be stand alone but convential storage heaters can provide a backup system for cloudy days or times of increased demand. The water that comes out from the solar water heater goes into the conventional boiler, avoiding turning the boiler on if there is no demand, or if the boiler does turn on it will only be used for short periods of time, this means a significant amount in gas savings, and extends your boiler’s life.


Gravity feed versus presurized water systems
We have two types of solar water heaters. Gravity fed (for water tank use) and Pressure Equipment (for hydro-pneumatic use). All of our solar hot water heaters can be used in either type of system.